Proyectos Europeos
BuildAir Ingeniería y Arquitectura, S.A
The M-RECT project aims to create multiscale – reinforced semi-crystalline thermoplastics, which will outperform all reinforced polymers in terms of […]
MoreThe flooding of rivers has always been a problem, and thanks to advances in civil engineering humans learnt of methods […]
MoreThe HyperMembrane consists on a system of a Physical and Digital elements that will allow a shape adaptable construction system […]
In LIGHT BRIDGE we will develop, test and subsequently market a unique light-weight, easily deployable and adaptive bridge for road transport […]
MoreHYPERMEMBRANE-DEMO – Demostration of an adaptable structure for architecture applications Grant Agreement: 606242 Call: FP7-SME-2013 Coordinator: Eurocomercial de Nuevas Tecnologías […]
MoreULITES – Ultra-lightweight structures with integrated photovoltaic solar cells: design, analysis, testing and application to an emergency shelter prototype The […]
MoreLyncos Technologies
The main objective for this proposal is to build a pilot in order to obtain a framework based on FIWARE […]
MoreQuantech ATZ
The main objective of this castINcloud experiment is to open the door for SMEs to high-performance simulations at an affordable […]
MoreThe aim of the project is to design, produce and validate a demonstrator of a Steerable Aircraft Parachute System for […]
MoreThe overall aim of the StamHPC application experiment is to develop, implement and validate the next generation of simulation tools […]
MoreThe main outcome of NUMEXAS will be a new set of numerical methods and codes that will allow industry, government […]
MoreThe SimPhoNy project will advance the state of art of multiscale nano-enabled materials modeling, reducing the gap between science and […]
MoreThe European projects that CITECHSA manages are funded by the European Comission.
SOUL-FI is one of the FI-WARE accelerator which aims to grow innovative web-based solutions and services applying FI-WARE technology. SOUL-FI provides funding to startups and SMEs (over €5 million in grants) and targeted support services to talented entrepreneurs to help bring new products (apps and services) to market.
Eurostars is a joint programme supporting R&D performing small and medium sized entrerprises (SMEs). It is co-funded from the national budgets of 34 Eurostarts countries and by the European Union through Horizon 2020. All funding to approved projects is managed by the Eurostars member countries according to national funding rules and procedures. These national funding rules and procedures are dependent on the member countries involved in the project. CDTI is the funding agency in SPAIN.
The FP7-SME programme wants to strengthen the innovation capacity of European SMEs and their contribution to the development of new technology-based products and markets.
The FP7-NMP theme is to improve the competitiveness of European industry and generate the knowledge needed to transform it from resource-intensive to a knowledge-intensive industry.
The principal objective of Fortissimo is to enable European manufacturing, particularly SMEs to benefit from the increased efficiency and competitive advantatge inherent in the use of simulation.